Sunday, February 22, 2015

That Awkard Moment...

Why haven't I written a blog in so long? Man I suck. My bad.


My husband and I are not huge on going out and doing super extravagant things for holidays or anniversaries. We're both pretty happy enjoying a yummy, affordable dinner and doing something fun. The fun is the most important part. We did however, have a very interesting Valentine's Day dinner. It was actually on Friday the 13th because of course we aren't normal. It was a total blast. Collin wore jeans and a nice shirt, I wore a kick ass dress that just happens to show off 7.5 of my 9 tattoos. Needless to say, we looked hot.

We go to this nice restaurant that we have never been to and I am super excited about it. I love my burgers and beer but I don't mind getting wined and dined occasionally.

However, we did not realize we were out of our league...

I should start by saying this is the kind of restaurant we could only afford because we had a gift card.

The host that greeted us when we walked in sputtered a bit when he saw me, he was obviously gay and I didn't think I looked hot enough to turn him, but I didn't really understand why he was being an awkward little bugger. It became clear pretty quick when Mr. Hubby and I walked into a room and saw that most of our fellow diners were at least twice our age and in business suits. They were all sophisticated and high brow and shit. We sat down and I immediately looked around again with an oh-shit-I-should-have-worn-a-blazer-over-my-dress look on my face when I notice people kind of glancing over at us with shaded eyes.

I am not going to lie, the giggles my husband and I shared at the table did not help this. We were the kids at the table that kept giggling at our own attempts to look like adults. The stilettos I kept tripping over made me look taller standing, but sitting they did nothing to help the fact that my plate was despairingly close to my face. We kept pointing at everyone we saw wearing jeans. We pointed exactly twice. We groaned about how delicious the mashed potatoes were. I drank to much and started giggling louder.

What I am trying to say is that we were not helping ourselves fit in. The food was delicious, the wine was strong, and the mashed potatoes were groan worthy. We only stood out because we're bad ass, and that is what I choose to believe!