Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Frustration of an Independent College Student

I wanted to punch him. Hunger may have had something to do with my hostility.

Here I am, in my professional, straight-from-work attire and I want to punch the guy sitting next to me in my Contemporary Moral Problems class. Don't get me wrong, he seems like a nice guy and all, but still...

I was sitting in class and the professor asked, "What is money anyway?" Seriously? I wake up in the morning, go straight to work, after working all day, go to school and then think about the bills I need to pay while in class and grandma-freaking-Moses wants to ask me what Money is?! I am hungry, and broke, dammit!

Dr. F (aka grandma-freaking-Moses) goes on to speak about the social strains money adds to society and all that when she asks, "Who doesn't think about money on a daily basis?"

Jackass over here sitting next to me (aka fist-print-in-jaw-guy) raises his hand. I am pretty sure the look I gave him would have made my mother proud. Jackass says, "I actually live at my parents. I work, so I have plenty of money, but I don't really have anything to spend it on, so it just accumulates."

... Does this guy even have friends? There is no way this guy has friends, I mean realistically. Does he wipe his ass with dollar bills? I assume he has no idea how incredibly dirty money can be if so. After class No-responsiblities-or-cares-in-the-world-guy (aka Jackass) comes up to me (turns out he is pretty nice and only a little bit oblivious) and talks about his evening karate class... I am assuming it was a wonderful story. I have no idea, all I could think about was chili-cheese fries.

Mmmmm.... chili-cheese fries. The karate guy with no responsibilities left just as my stomach growled louder than a bear playing in a river (I assume this is really loud, I am not sure) and I am pretty sure I toota-looed or fainted from hunger. One of the two, which ever it was no one stared so probably the first one.

On my way home I drooled about food and cursed Jackass-karate guy for probably having better food at his mom's house.

I had a frozen burrito and netflix when I went home... Mmmm. I call it Tex-Mex a la carte... or something else that makes more sense.


  1. I love this and completely understand your pain. Life is hard, but stuff like this makes it a little bit better. And hey, at least there's always Netflix! ;)

    1. Thank you! Yeah sometimes you just need a little mind numbing Netflix! Lol
