Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ugh... Morning Classes

I enrolled in classes for next semester yesterday after work. I got so excited that I enrolled in entirely too many hours. I plan to eventually drop the shittiest class.

With my new work schedule, morning classes are my best bet. I was okay with this at first, the best grades I have gotten were in morning classes. It is the first thing on your mind, no bills or work first so the class is nice and fresh which is beneficial for grades and shit.

However, if you're a college student enrolled in morning classes and you don't see an issue, then you're the problem.

The waking up early part sucks, I mean really sucks, but coffee can solve most of the problems associated with that. So no, that isn't the issue.

Cooler walks across campus aren't the greatest during the winter, but the up-side is that they are pretty great during the summer. Nope, not the issue.

It's the people. The average student enrolled in morning classes is easy to describe. They probably still live with their parents or maybe on campus. They probably have less than 40 hours under their belt. And yep, you guessed they probably have few responsibilities and come to class hungover.

They can't even go to a liquor store, or any bar in Edmond.

I understand I am not that old, but they are like children giggling during class.

I have a feeling I will meet more people that I will be willing to punch this coming semester. If you fall into the above listed category,  and could just go ahead and pound your face against the wall a couple times for me, that'd be great, thanks.

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